Services include but are not limited to:

  • Family and pediatric dentistry

  • Cosmetic dentistry

  • Veneers and crowns

  • Implants

  • Bridges

  • White composite fillings

  • Dentures

  • Dental cleanings and exams

  • Teeth whitening

  • Orthodontic treatment

  • Root canal and endodontic treatment

  • Periodontic treatment

  • Sleep apnea and snoring prevention

  • TMJ and TMD treatment

Preventative Dentistry

Regular exams and dental cleanings are some of the most important things you can do for your oral health.

Do you like getting expensive dental treatments that require you to sit for long hours with your mouth open?

We didn’t think so! That’s why regular preventative dental care is critically important to your oral health.

How frequently should I schedule dental cleanings and exams?

Typically, it is recommended for most individuals to have dental cleanings and exams twice a year, with the majority of dental insurance plans covering this frequency. If you are generally in good health and have minimal dental concerns, visiting every six months is usually adequate to prevent major issues from arising.

However, it is important to note that patients with preexisting oral health problems may require more frequent visits, possibly three or four times per year. The dentist will provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs. The primary objective of these additional visits is to prevent the need for extensive and costly dental treatments in the future. Detecting cavities and gum disease in their early stages is always preferable.

Restorative Dentistry

Neighborhood Dental Center offers a full range of restorative treatment options including fillings, crowns, inlays, and onlays.

We will always choose the most conservative treatment option that addresses all your needs and concerns!

Common uses for tooth-colored composite fillings:

  • Dental bonding is a versatile procedure that involves filling and rebuilding tooth structure to restore its function after the removal of decay (caries) on the teeth.

  • It is also effective in repairing small cracks or chips in teeth caused by injury or natural wear.

  • Dental bonding can be utilized to close gaps between teeth, enhancing their overall appearance and achieving a more harmonious smile.

Common uses of dental crowns include:

  • Restoring a tooth after undergoing a root canal procedure

  • Repairing large cavities (caries) that are not suitable for fillings

  • Addressing tooth injuries resulting from excessive wear or traumatic impact

  • Treating cracked tooth syndrome, often associated with sensitivity to bite pressure and temperature changes.

Tooth Replacement Options

At our practice, we prioritize preserving your natural teeth whenever possible. Nonetheless, there are instances where it becomes necessary to extract a tooth and replace it with an substitute. Our approach is to carefully evaluate each situation and provide the most suitable treatment recommendation, always aiming to maintain optimal oral health and functionality for our patients.

The two most common options to replace teeth are with dental implants or bridges.

Why should I replace missing teeth?

  • Negative changes to esthetics and overall appearance

  • Decreased confidence are common with missing teeth

  • Effects to speech and pronunciation of common sounds and words

  • Changes to bite, effecting not only eating and chewing food but also the other teeth and how pressure is spread out which can lead to possible cracks and fractures

  • Bone loss in the jaw

  • Shifting teeth caused by the teeth moving naturally to fill in the gap caused by the missing tooth/teeth

  • Jaw pain and headaches are common with all the changes and shifts that are taking place with missing teeth


The outcomes of veneer procedures can greatly differ depending on where you choose to have them done. At Neighborhood Dental Center, we have extensive experience in placing veneers and take a personalized approach to each case, ensuring that they are tailored to enhance and complement the unique features of each patient's smile. We exclusively collaborate with top-quality laboratories and utilize premium materials for all our veneer treatments.

We offer Beverly Hills smiles without the Beverly Hills price tag!

Unfortunately, we often treat patients who have gotten veneers done elsewhere who were unhappy with their results. Our belief is that you should go to somewhere trusted and reputable to get veneers done properly the first time instead of having to spend twice as much time and money after getting poor results. At Neighborhood Dental, you can trust you are getting quality and affordable care.

Teeth Whitening

There are many different whitening options on the market. At Neighborhood Dental, offer Zoom! in-office whitening, take-home bleach trays to gradually get the results you are looking for, or a combination of the two to tackle deep seated stains.

Which is the correct whitening option for me?

There are a number of different approaches to consider when deciding which treatment option is the best.

  • Are you looking for quicker results?

    • Maybe before a special event? Or maybe you just don’t like the idea of wearing take-home bleaching trays?

  • Are you looking for gradual results?

  • Do you have more deep stains that may require a dual approach?

  • Do you suffer from sensitivity?

    • Be sure to let us know ahead of time— we can provide you with toothpastes such as Sensodyne or MI Paste to minimize any sensitivity you have

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is done when there is a cavity or an infection that has reached the dental pulp. A successful root canal treatment allows for the preservation of a tooth that would otherwise require extraction. This treatment is less invasive, a more simple, and significantly more cost-effective option compared to alternatives such as dental implants or bridges.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that relieves pain that is usually caused by inflammation or infected. During this treatment, the pulp chamber and canals of the tooth are cleaned out and refilled. Root canals can save a damaged or infected tooth, bring immediate relief to the patient, and can prevent further health complications by removing the source of infection and stopping it from spreading. Additionally, we can save a tooth and preserve the beauty of your smile!

When is a root canal indicated?

  • Injury to the tooth

  • Deep cavities and decay that have reached the more inner pulp area of the tooth

  • Chips, cracks, or fractures that expose the pulp

Braces and Clear Aligners

Braces and clear aligners can be used to straighten your teeth and align your bite, getting your teeth in proper occlusion. Crooked, overlapped, twisted, or gapped teeth can be corrected with orthodontic treatment. Braces and aligners not only straighten the teeth to change esthetics, but can be used to lower the risk of cavities and periodontal disease, while also providing protection against potential issues such as chipping, grinding, or dental emergencies. Come see us at Neighborhood Dental to decide which treatment option is the best for you!